Ami de Grazia

Born 1948 in Mulhouse, France. Studied at Université de Strasbourg. Published her first novel 1972 at Editions du Seuil in Paris and was awarded the Prix Jules Favre 1973 by the Académie Française. Published three more novels with Editions du Seuil. Medal of Honor of the City of Mulhouse, 1976. Worked at Maison de la Radio, Paris. Met Alfred de Grazia in Naxos in 1977 and has been his close collaborator ever since. They married in New York in 1982. She has recently edited A Taste of War, the new edition of Alfred de Grazia's memoirs of World War Two. She organizes the Conferences of Quantavolution.

Published Works

La Séduction inachevée

Editions du Seuil, Paris (1972)

Le Pigeon d'argile

Edition du Seuil, Paris (1983)

Sur ce Promontoire

Editions du Seuil, Paris (1989)

Les Dents de Scie

Editions du Seuil, Paris (1991)

The Amazon Choice (2000)

Jacques Brel: Translations (2000)

Johann-Gottlieb Radlof:

The Shattering of the Great Planets Hesperus and Phaethon... (translation from German to English)
Metron Publications (2008)



The Quantavolution Conference in Kandersteg, Switzerland, 2007.
The Quantavolution Conference in Paris, Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 2008
The Quantavolution Conference in Kandersteg, Switzerland, 2009.
The Quantavolution Conference in Villaines-la-Gonais, France, 2010.
The Living Archive Conference - Villaines-la-Gonais, 2011


m e t r o n a x @ g m a i l . c o m

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