Videos of the Conference on Archives, Villaines-la-Gonais 2011

Stan James joined us from Berlin in a Skype session. Here are a few video snippets with Stan's voice, Alfred de Grazia, a. o.  There are also some lengthier presentations, mainly by Martin.

Who is Stan?

STAN JAMES is the founder of Lijit, a very cool startup in Boulder based on Outfoxed, his master's thesis about online trust. He studied Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück, Germany. He and Todd Vernon (former CTO of Raindance Communications) incorporated the company in 2006.

Before that Stan worked at RootMarkets in New York. At that time he also developed the Attention Recorder.

In 1996, he created the first browser-based massively multiplayer games, UltraCorps and Evernight.They were purchased by Microsoft and AOL, respectively.

He has been working with his father, a teacher, on the family's extensive picture archive.


a little preliminary remark

On the day preceding the beginning of the conference, Alfred de Grazia sustained a small injury to his face (he tripped while stepping out of the kitchen to bring scraps to the compost worms...). It was attended to at the local hospital's emergencies and he was found to be quite alright. He was in fine fettle during all the conference, as can be seen from the videos...  
with Stan James1
with Stan James2
with Stan James3

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